Minnesota Business Women Legislative Platform

Equal Rights Amendment
The passage of a bill in the Minnesota Legislature to place an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota
The passage of the Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment, without amendments, to the United States Constitution

Economic Equity
We support legislation that provides for:

  • A fair and livable wage Affordable dependant care
  • Equal opportunities in education
  • Equal access to affordable housing
  • Adequate retirement benefits and Social Security
  • Programs for women re-entering the workforce
  • The enforcement of all equal pay legislation
  • Health Care
    We support legislation that provides for:

  • Health care privacy
  • Reproductive freedom as a right for all women
  • Equality of access to affordable and adequate health care and service for all
  • Increased funding for research of women's health issues
  • Paid sick days as a universal labor standard
  • Violence and Exploitation of Women
    We support legislation that provides for:

  • Legal protections for victims of exploitation
  • Adequate funding for education programs that teach violence prevention and anger management
  • The establishment of additional shelters and aftercare programs
  • Programs to inform victims of their legal rights
  • Compensatory damage awards for victims of violence
  • Jail time when appropriate
  • Civil Rights
    We support legislation that:

  • Ensures equal rights and remedies for women in all phases of their lives
  • Continues affirmative action programs
  • Eliminates sexual harassment against women